Ready, Set, Go Day!

Be Prepared!

Ready, Set, Go Day! In partnership with Cal OES, the Sacramento History Museum is hosting an emergency preparedness event. Come to ride the Earthquake Simulator to experience a 7.0 earthquake, learn how to prepare for ‘the big one’ and what Sacramento can expect if an earthquake were to happen. Gather information on what to keep in an emergency ‘go bag’, and what to pack in case of evacuation. Learn how to be prepared for emergencies and meet the organizations that can help you and your families.

The event will be in the Old Sacramento State Park in front of the Sacramento History Museum on Saturday April 5, 2025, from 11am-3pm.


Stay to visit the museum and see our exhibition Earthquakes to Epidemics. Look at Sacramento’s timeline of epic events that occurred since the Gold Rush, read about fires, floods, droughts and epidemics that have happened in California and take a look at the resources available from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.